18 Apr 2012

12 Effective Home Remedies To Restore Lost Shine

Dry hair refers to hair that lacks moisture. When the oil glands do not provide sufficient oil, one has a condition of dry hair. Dryness in hair looks dull and loses its shine. It becomes brittle and therefore breaks easily. It loses its natural sheen and elasticity. 

An average human loses hair daily but someone having dryness condition will lose more than that. Dry hair also causes dandruff. The scalp and skin is unhealthy. The hair becomes frizzy and splits at the ends. 

This problem can be linked to a thyroid problem. Hormonal changes in a person can cause hair to dry and fall. Also poor nutrition or an illness can be responsible. It may be genetic or caused by external factors like the weather. Exposure to sun for prolonged periods of time or harsh wind can cause the hair to dry out. Water used for washing hair may also cause the dryness. Apart from these primary reasons dryness may result out of excessive usage of chemicals on the hair. Perms, curlers, styling, using dryer may damage hair. Over shampooing also pulls out the moisture from the hair. Reversely unhygienic conditions or poor maintenance of hair can also make it dry and brittle. Chlorine in water affects hair. Some medications have strong effect on the hair. 

Dry hair treatment does not just mean that it need more water; needs more oil to keep it moist. For healthy and shiny hair try one of the following home remedies - 

1. Coconut Oil: Take coconut oil and apply to the scalp with your fingertips. Leave it on for some time before washing. 

2. Olive Oil: Warm little olive oil and apply to your hair. Do this regularly. 

3. Massage: Massage your scalp gently with any warm oil to increase the blood circulation which will promote hair growth and shine. 

4. Vinegar: Vinegar acts like a conditioner. After cleaning your hair, wash it with water mixed with a little vinegar. 

5. Beer: Beer is also considered as a good conditioner. Rinse your hair with beer. 

6. Egg: Beat an egg and apply on your hair. Leave it on for some time before washing it off. 

7. Curd: Curd can also be used to mask hair before washing. 

8. Henna: Use henna for conditioning and for coloring hair instead of the colors with chemicals. 

9. Aloe Vera: Cut an Aloe Vera leaf and take out the juice. Apply this juice to your scalp regularly. 

10. Lemon: Lemon juice is applied to hair. This keeps head clean. 

11. Honey: Honey can be applied on it before wash. 

12. Water: Drinking lots of water keeps body hydrated. 

If proper precautions are taken hair dryness and dullness can be dealt with easily using the above home remedies. Do not comb vigorously. Use a wide tooth comb for brushing your hair so that there is less breakage. Cover your hair during harsh weather. Wear a cap while swimming. Try to air dry hair as much as possible instead of using dryers. Avoid chemical treatments or styling. Use more of natural products on hair. Do not shampoo very often. Trim the split ends regularly. Eat healthy food and exercise to boost the blood circulation. 

Read more Home Remedies for Dry Hair. Also know effective Home Remedies for Yeast Infection.


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